What's New:
updated spanning-tree calculations and logic
added switch global command:
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] forward-time [4-30]
spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] hello-time [1-10]
spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] max-age [6-40]
no spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] forward-time
no spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] hello-time
no spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] max-age
added privileged commands:
show spanning-tree summary
show spanning-tree root
show spanning-tree interface fastethernet PORT/PORT
show spanning-tree interface gigabitethernet PORT/PORT
show spanning-tree interface fastethernet PORT/PORT detail
show spanning-tree interface gigabitethernet PORT/PORT detail
added switch interface configuration command:
spanning-tree cost [1-200000000]
no spanning-tree cost
spanning-tree port-priority [0-240]
no spanning-tree port-priority
spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] cost [1-200000000]
no spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] cost
spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] port-priority [0-240]
no spanning-tree vlan [1-1005] port-priority
other misc. fixes and improvements
Added privilege command:
show interfaces description
Added router privileged commands:
show ip bgp
show ip route bgp
clear ip bgp *
clear ip bgp * soft in
clear ip bgp * soft out
show ip ospf interface brief
debug ip bgp
no debug ip bgp
Added router BGP commands:
neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop [1-255]
no neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop [1-255]
default-metric [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D weight [0-65535]
neighbor A.B.C.D shutdown
bgp default local-preference [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD in
neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD out
no neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD in
no neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD out
no neighbor A.B.C.D weight [0-65535]
no default-metric [0-4294967295]
no neighbor A.B.C.D shutdown
no bgp default local-preference [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D next-hop-self
no neighbor A.B.C.D next-hop-self
neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
no neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
network a.b.c.d
network a.b.c.d mask a.b.c.d
no network a.b.c.d mask a.b.c.d
no network a.b.c.d
redistribute connected
no redistribute connected
redistribute connected route-map WORD
no redistribute connected route-map WORD
neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
no neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
no auto-summary
no synchronization
Added route-map command:
set weight [0-65535]
set local-preference [0-4294967295]
set metric [0-4294967295]
Other optimization and improvements
What’s new:
added router privileged commands:
- debug ip bgp
- no debug ip bgp
- clear ip bgp *
Other minor optimization and improvements
What's new on version 1.93
added router global commands:
- router bgp <1-65535>
- no router bgp <1-65535>
added router bgp commands:
- bgp router-id A.B.C.D
- neighbor A.B.C.D remote-as <1-65535>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D remote-as <1-65535>
- neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop <1-255>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop <1-255>
- neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
- neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
- no neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
- neighbor a.b.c.d next-hop-self
- no neighbor a.b.c.d next-hop-self
added router privileged commands:
- show ip bgp summary
- show ip bgp neighbors
- clear ip bgp * soft in
added hints for bgp connection issues
other minor optimization and improvements
What's new in Version 1.92
fixed the design connections checking issue
fixed password issue with commands:
set dot1x user WORD password WORD
set radius user WORD password WORD
added privileged commands:
show dot1x
show dot1x all
show dot1x all summary
Switch global commands:
dot1x system-auth-control
aaa authentication dot1x default enable
aaa authentication dot1x default local
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
Switch interface commands:
dot1x port-control force-authorized
dot1x port-control force-unauthorized
dot1x port-control auto
authentication port-control force-authorized
authentication port-control force-unauthorized
authentication port-control auto
no authentication port-control
dot1x pae authenticator
no dot1x pae
Other minor fixes and improvements