Added privilege command:
show interfaces description
Added router privileged commands:
show ip bgp
show ip route bgp
clear ip bgp *
clear ip bgp * soft in
clear ip bgp * soft out
show ip ospf interface brief
debug ip bgp
no debug ip bgp
Added router BGP commands:
neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop [1-255]
no neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop [1-255]
default-metric [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D weight [0-65535]
neighbor A.B.C.D shutdown
bgp default local-preference [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD in
neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD out
no neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD in
no neighbor A.B.C.D route-map WORD out
no neighbor A.B.C.D weight [0-65535]
no default-metric [0-4294967295]
no neighbor A.B.C.D shutdown
no bgp default local-preference [0-4294967295]
neighbor A.B.C.D next-hop-self
no neighbor A.B.C.D next-hop-self
neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
no neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
network a.b.c.d
network a.b.c.d mask a.b.c.d
no network a.b.c.d mask a.b.c.d
no network a.b.c.d
redistribute connected
no redistribute connected
redistribute connected route-map WORD
no redistribute connected route-map WORD
neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
no neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
no auto-summary
no synchronization
Added route-map command:
set weight [0-65535]
set local-preference [0-4294967295]
set metric [0-4294967295]
Other optimization and improvements
What’s new:
added router privileged commands:
- debug ip bgp
- no debug ip bgp
- clear ip bgp *
Other minor optimization and improvements
The previous tutorials covered the basics of AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) in Cisco devices. It included an overview of how to configure local authentication, where user credentials are stored directly on each device. We also discussed the principles of using an external authentication server to centralize user credentials and authentication processes, laying the groundwork for a RADIUS server setup with PocketCLI. Understanding these concepts is crucial as we move forward to implementing RADIUS for centralized authentication.
What's new on version 1.93
added router global commands:
- router bgp <1-65535>
- no router bgp <1-65535>
added router bgp commands:
- bgp router-id A.B.C.D
- neighbor A.B.C.D remote-as <1-65535>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D remote-as <1-65535>
- neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop <1-255>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop <1-255>
- neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
- no neighbor A.B.C.D update source loopback <0-2147483647>
- neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
- no neighbor A.B.C.D password WORD
- neighbor a.b.c.d next-hop-self
- no neighbor a.b.c.d next-hop-self
added router privileged commands:
- show ip bgp summary
- show ip bgp neighbors
- clear ip bgp * soft in
added hints for bgp connection issues
other minor optimization and improvements
What's new in Version 1.92
fixed the design connections checking issue
fixed password issue with commands:
set dot1x user WORD password WORD
set radius user WORD password WORD
added privileged commands:
show dot1x
show dot1x all
show dot1x all summary
Switch global commands:
dot1x system-auth-control
aaa authentication dot1x default enable
aaa authentication dot1x default local
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
Switch interface commands:
dot1x port-control force-authorized
dot1x port-control force-unauthorized
dot1x port-control auto
authentication port-control force-authorized
authentication port-control force-unauthorized
authentication port-control auto
no authentication port-control
dot1x pae authenticator
no dot1x pae
Other minor fixes and improvements
In a Cisco environment, a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server is commonly used to authenticate users for various network services, one of which is network access. This lab introduces using a RADIUS server to allows for centralized user authentication. Instead of maintaining separate user accounts and authentication databases on each network device. All authentication requests are sent to the RADIUS server. This centralization simplifies administration and ensures consistent authentication across the network.